《彩樓》 傳統布袋戲演出的舞台,叫做「彩樓」,以精緻木雕仿造金碧輝煌廟宇宮殿,再飾以金箔、彩繪裝飾。 中間掛著二塊鏤空的木牌,稱「交關屏」為演出時用以遮蔽演師及觀察戲偶動作之用。 The stage for traditional puppetry performances is called the "Colorful Pavilion," crafted with exquisite wooden carvings imitating the splendid temples and palaces, adorned with gold leaf and painted decorations. In the center, two hollow wooden boards, known as the "Exchange Screen," are hung to shield the puppeteer during performances and for observing the movements of the puppets.